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Mikroklimat tworzymy z pasją
Salt caves

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the caves we make, where you can relax and inhale.
Each construction of a salt cave is preceded by detailed consultations between our company representatives and the client.
We adjust its size, style and additional equipment to the needs of a given place.
Grota works well in sanatoriums, hotels and boarding houses, nursing homes, health resorts and SPA zones. Wherever you want to provide your patients and guests with extraordinary relaxation and safe, faster convalescence (halotherapy).
Thanks to the natural material from which it is made, it allows you to relax the nervous system, and also provides an adequate dose of oxygenation of microelements .
In modern times and rapid civilization progress, it is important to use the beneficial effect of real caves on the respiratory system, what is a salt cave. The construction of such a facility in cities attracts residents regardless of their health condition and inspires them to organize relaxation sessions, gymnastics sessions, and even encourages intimate social or music meetings.
Grota solna z wewnętrzną tężnią solankową w Sandra Spa Karpacz
Zakończenie inwestycji 19 listopada 2023
Grota solna o łącznej powierzchni 15 m2.
Na dwóch ścianach ułożone cegły solne o łącznej powierzchni około 12 m2, do tego rozmieszczonie nieregularnie lampy solne.
Sufit gipsowy imitujący sklepienie jaskiniowe , pośrodku czarna wyrwa ze światłowodami jako gwieździste niebo z generatorem światła RGB zmieniający kolory.
Tężnia solankowa wewnętrzna w obudowie drewnianej, z tarniną śliwy , po której spływa solanka w obiegu zamkniętym; wymiary tężni 3,4 x 2,2 x 0,9 m.
W skład wyposażenia wchodzi również muzyka relaksacyjna z głośnikami zamontowanymi w suficie.

Salt cave at the "Skal" Hotel in Ustronie Morskie
Completion of the investment on March 18, 2022
Grota with an area of 36 m2.
Walls made of split salt bricks.
Salt lamps made of natural blocks mounted in the walls.
Graduation tower in a wooden casing with blackthorn plum 3.0 mx 0.9 mx 2.2 m.
Salt aerosol generator.
"Starry sky" made of fiber optics.
Illuminated salt corner.
Wooden barrels with salt lamps.
Salt granulated floor.

Salt cave in Zielenino near Kościerzyna.
Completion of the investment on January 12, 2022.
Graduation tower with blackthorn plum 3.0 mx 2.2 m with LED lighting.
Salt lumps and lamps arranged on a barrel and wooden shelves.

Mini salt cave with a graduation tower in Poznań.
Implementation in 2020.
1. Walls made of split salt bricks, some of them illuminated.
2. Panel made of smooth salt bricks, illuminated.
3. Graduation tower with blackthorn plum 1.0 mx 2.7 m.
4. Salt lumps on the floor.
5. "Starry sky" made of fiber optics.
Salt cave at the Zabajka Center in Stawnica near Złotów.
Completion of the investment on December 11, 2018.
Grotto with an area of 32 m2.
Walls made of salt blocks with built-in salt lamps.
Irregularly bent gypsum ceiling with optical fibers - "Starry sky" - color therapy.
The floor is covered with salt granules.
Graduation tower with blackthorn plum in a wooden casing
with illuminated salt applications. -
Sandpit for children with a bench to sit on and a lock to enter.

Salt cave at the "Polaris" hotel in Świnoujście.
Completion of the investment on May 5, 2017.
Salt lumps on the walls.
Illuminated wooden floor.
Irregularly bent gypsum ceiling with optical fibers - "Starry sky" - color therapy.
Stair riser and landing front with illuminated application.
Graduation tower with blackthorn plum in a wooden casing
with illuminated salt applications, dimensions 2.2 mx 2.2 mx 0.8 m. -
Salt aerosol generator.
A lump of salt on a platform sprinkled with salt granules.

Salt cave in the "Skal" hotel in Ustronie Morskie
Completion of the investment on November 4, 2016.
1. Salt lumps on the walls.
2. Salt lamps.
3. Graduation tower with birch twigs 1.0 mx 2.0 m.
4. Salt aerosol generator.
5. "Starry sky" made of fiber optics.
Salt cave in the indoor swimming pool building in Miechów.
Completion of the investment on April 15, 2016.
1. Salt lumps on the walls.
2. Salt ceiling.
3. Illuminated salt brick floor.
4. Two brine graduation towers with birch twigs
1.0m x 2.0m.
5. Salt aerosol generator.
1. Area grotto 20 m2.
2. Stone cascade with a bridge.
3. Carved wooden door with the Centre's logo.